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Week 2



Aliza has sent in some more super remote learning. Well done Aliza, keep up the good work!



It was wonderful to hear from Aryaan and his family again who shared even more fantastic learning. Well done Aryaan for all of your hard work! I am particularly impressed with your tree of life design based on Spiderman!



It was great to be sent some more photos of Eesa's wonderful learning. He has been doing some super number and place value work and designed an amazing magical creature. Well done Eesa, keep up the good work!



Faizan has continued working hard at home and achieving high scores on all of the phonics games this week. He has also done some super writing, maths learning and designed a fantastic tree of life based on the famous painting by Gustav Klimt. Well done Faizan!



It was lovely to hear from Fatima and her family this week. Fatima has been having lots of fun outside in the snow with her little sisters and together they built this super snowman!

Fatima has also completed lots of super English and Maths learning and has created a wonderful Unicorn Mermaid creature! Well done Fatima for all of your hard work, keep it up!



Thank you to Hamid and his family for getting in touch this week to share all of the super learning that he has been doing at home. I am so proud of your hard work and wonderful attitude to learning Hamid, keep it up!

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