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Me and My World - Autumn 1



In Literacy we have been experimenting with mark making. We have been drawing pre-writing patterns and we have been learning new phonemes and graphemes.


The graphemes we will be learning in the first half term are:


s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r h b


Please help your child consolidate these at home


Thank you :)


The children have been applying their phonic knowledge in the classroom environment. Class 1 have been on a 'phoneme hunt' searching for objects with set 1 initial sounds.




In Maths we have been representing the value of numbers 1-5. We are looking in detail at the different ways we can make a number e.g


2 and 3 makes 5,

1 and 1 makes 2 


Please help your child at home with this consolidation


Thank you :)



In Topic we have been learning all about ourselves and our families - where we belong.

We have enjoyed painting self-portraits and portraits of our family. It has been lovely to hear about the caring relationships our children have at home. If you would like to send any photographs of family then please email Mrs Hutchinson.

In EAD (Art) we have been focusing on the famous artist Alma Thomas. We looked at her work and recreated some of her paintings using her style - we focused on line.

We painted:


wavy lines

straight lines

curved lines

zig-zag lines 

dotted lines


It all helped with developing our fine motor and mark-making skills.

In the afternoon we follow the children's 'lines of enquiry'

This means that we follow the interests and talents of our children and extend their learning further using an object of interest.


In the second week of term, Mrs Mason brought a HUGE, GIGANTIC sunflower into school.

We loved finding out about and exploring sunflowers in our class that week. Mrs Hutchinson, Miss Parveen and Miss Nazia helped us explore sunflowers using magnifying glasses, paints and tweezers . We even got to make sunflowers out of play-dough. We sketched them, made observational drawings and explored the seeds inside the disc florets.


After the week was over, we thought that the sunflower needed a rest. We sat him down in our reading armchair and read him lots of stories.


We named him 'Old Man Sunflower'.


In the next week we then explored older people. We looked carefully at the differences between us and our Grandparents. The children noticed that the older people had some wrinkles in their skin.

This then led us to explore the text


'The Wrinkle People'


We looked at some pictures of people with wrinkles and began to draw them. We compared our sketches with our own self portraits (from our first week in school).

We noticed that our paintings didn't have any wrinkles!




I wonder what we will find out about next week?!






Thank you for looking at our half termly learning - please send and email if you have any questions:



Mrs Hutchinson





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