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Our Curriculum Intent- Computing


In our school, our computing curriculum enables children to become safe, independent and creative users of

technology so that they are prepared for the future in a digital world. We take online safety very seriously and teach our children how to keep safe online.

​​​​​​Supporting Computing at Home

Online Safety Guide for Parents 


Click on the document below to view our Primary Online Safety assembly presentation for parents. The presentation provides an up-to-date overview of the current trends regarding children’s online behaviours. It discusses a range of current issues around child technology use, and gives advice and practical steps parents can take to ensure they keep their children safe.

Computing Around Our School

Computing in Action

Coding Club

Our Coding Club meet after school to develop their computer science skills. We have looked at Bee-Bot robots and learnt how to program them. We have used our skills to program an on-screen robot using Lego Bits & Bricks. We will learn more abstract coding using Purple Mash to write more complex computer programs.

Supporting Documents

Our 'Curriculum Overview for Computing' shows the coverage of Computing across the school.

Our 'Computing Knowledge Hands' show the knowledge we expect our children to learn and remember in each year group, each half term.

Click on the link below to see our online safety documents and how we teach our children to keep themselves safe online.

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