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There is Only One You!

This half term the learning is led by the children. We had an assembly with Mrs Mason and she gave each class a body part. Our body part was 'Brain'!  As a class we talked about different feelings and how our brain helps us to learn.


We started by watching a clip of the film 'Inside Out' and discussed the different feelings. We then created a feelings wall. Each morning we will put our face on the feeling we are feeling at that time. We brainstormed the different times we might feel each way.



In English we will be reading different texts that have the theme of different emotions. We have started with the text 'The Colour Monster'. We used food colouring and created a jar of how we were feeling. We then wrote instructions for a jar of happiness!  In Art we will be looking at collage and different ways we can collage.  We related the collage to the colours that represent different feelings.

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