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Did it really happen?



This half term we are learning all about the Great Fire of London! We will use the following books and texts to help us with our learning. 

We visited our forest school to come up with lots of super vocabulary to help our learning. We used them to write a poem all about the Great Fire of London. We sketched the flames and then thought of lots of adjectives to describe the fire and what we could hear. We have made a start on researching all about the fire and planned out our historical non-fiction report.



In Maths during this term, we will be learning about:-

  • Multiplication and division
  • Length
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Shapes
  • Time
  • Fractions, position and direction




This half term we will be analysing artwork from the Great Fire of London. As part of our lesson we went to the forest school and drew the flames through observation. We will then practice drawing flames by looking at the lines and the shapes in different images. We will then use recyclable materials to create 3D sculptures of flames, finishing them with paint.



In science we are carrying on our learning and looking at living things and their habitats. We have started by looking at animals and their offspring. We learnt that a lot of animals look different when they are born. Have a look at some of our amazing work we have done on SeeSaw.



In History we are learning all about the Great Fire of London which took place in 1666.  We began our learning by examining different pieces of evidence that tell us that the event took place. We will then create a timeline to sequence the events and compare changes in fire-fighting over time. Later on we will also compare Nelson’s most significant fire - at the Imperial Ballroom 1976.


In Geography we are going to be looking at the characteristics of the United Kingdom which include the 4 countries and their capital cities. We will use an atlas, digital maps and videos to develop our knowledge. We will then do further research about the famous landmarks, rivers, historical buildings and cities within the countries to create an information poster/booklet.

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