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There's Only One You

This half term our topic is led by the children's thoughts and ideas. We had a special assembly with Mrs Mason and she gave each class a different body part. We were given EARS! We discussed what it meant to us and what we use our ears for. 

To start our learning we went on a listening walk around the school to see what we could hear. We then wrote a poem together about all of the things we heard. 

This is our poem

With our ears we can hear...

by Class 6. 

The gate creaking crrrr, crrrr, crrrr,

The footsteps thumping thud, thud, thud,

The birds tweeting tweet, tweet, tweet,

The cars go by zumm, zumm, zumm,

The door shutting chudd, chudd, chudd,

The wind blowing wsshh, wsshh, wsshh,

The bees buzzing bzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzz. 


In art we looked at different people from different communities and how their ears were the same of different. We looked carefully at the different types of ears and used sketching pencils to draw the different ears. 

For our art lessons we will be focusing on art in the style of Jackson Pollock. He was an American artist who used to listen to music when creating abstract art. We looked closely at the colours in his art work and practised making different colours using red, blue, yellow, green, black and white. We also used black and white to make different shades of the colours. 

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