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This half term we will be reading the following texts linked to our stimulus 'arms' as part of our summer project. We will be focusing on the characters, thinking carefully about their feelings and religious traditions/experiences.







Linked to our summer project, we have began our science learning by looking at the different parts of our arm. We have identified and named the bones/muscles and discussed its functions.



We even compared it to the structure of animal arms. What similarities and differences did you notice?


We led an investigation to find out whether people with the longest arms can throw the furthest. The results were very interesting!


We had a very special visit from our scientist Steven Lewis Neille, who brought along with him lots of animals and creatures for us to compare. We discussed the similarities and differences between their body parts.


We had a wonderful time!

After learning about the importance of the Holi Festival to the Hindu people, we investigated whether adding water affects the ability of colours to combine. We were surprised to see the result.

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In our topic learning, we have been looking at the Hindu gods who have different numbers of arms. We have researched each god and why they are important to the Hindu people.


Can you remember their names?




We have also learnt about the Holi Festival and how it is special to the Hindu people. We created information texts including, its religious meaning, how it is celebrated and folk tales that are told.


Would you like to take part?




This half term, we are focusing on the traditions of Hindu artwork as part of our summer project. We began our learning by looking at the different patterns included. 


We then sketched our own Hindu patterns including different shapes, lines and details.

We then added colour to the Hindu patterns that we created using oil pastels.


We created intricate rangoli patterns using dahl lentils to add texture and colour.

We sketched elephants which are an animal of importance to the Hindu people and typically found in India. We then added colourful backgrounds to these.


We transferred our rangoli patterns onto silk and used intricate painting techniques to add colour to these.

We used methods of colour mixing to create different backgrounds and then sketched Hindu gods onto these.


Building Bridges


As part of our Building Bridges program, our friends from Sacred Heart visited our school and we participated in some team building activities together. It was lovely to see our friends again and spend some time together.

We were also very lucky to be able to visit their school. We loved joining them for the day and experiencing what it is like.

Carnival Performances


We were able to showcase as part of the whole school carnival, our wonderful learning that has taken place throughout this half term, inspired by the topic 'There's Only One You'. 


We hope you enjoy watching our performances!

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This half term, we have used the Icredibox application on iPads to create our own mixes. We had lots of fun doing this and wanted to share them with you.


Click on the link to listen.


Which one is your favourite? Remember to give us a like.




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