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This half term, we are reading the text Big Bad Owl by author Steve Smallman. We will be comparing the main characters in the story and the different ways that they behave. We will consider times when they feel happy, grumpy, embarrassed or upset.


Over the past few weeks, we have gathered ideas, drafted, edited and finally published our own versions of the Big Bad Owl story. We have loved being authors!



In our art learning, we have been comparing the work of our two artists in focus this half term, L.S. Lowry and Paul Horton. We have used different media to create colour strips based on the colours and tones identified in their paintings.

Before attempting to sketch some of the buildings in their work, we closely observed the shapes, lines and tones, then practised our shading skills using different pencils. 

We have proudly showcased our learning outcomes for the half term.



As part of our geography learning, we have been on a walk around the local area identifying streets, buildings and landmarks in Nelson. We even considered whether they were human or physical features. We will use this knowledge to create our own map of the local area in the upcoming weeks.

We have created a simple map of the local area by recalling all of the landmarks, buildings and streets that we saw on our walk. We also had a go at using positional language to instruct our partners to find various locations on our maps.



In our science learning, we have been looking at the different stages of human growth and investigating whether the oldest children in our class are the tallest.

We then read the story Blow Your Nose, Big Bad Wolf by Steve Smallman and discussed the importance of good hygiene. We set up our own investigation to see what happens when we do not wash our hands.

We tried different foods and discussed whether they were healthy or unhealthy. We also identified which food group they belong to.

Each week, we have been closely observing and discussing the changes that have been happening to the bread in our investigation. We have concluded that the bread touched with the 'clean hands' has less mould on it than the bread touched by the 'dirty hands' because there were less germs. Therefore, it is important to WASH YOUR HANDS!



This half term in our history learning, we have been comparing Nelson in the past with how it is now in the present. We began by looking at the similarities and differences between Whitefield Infant School, before focusing on the wider areas of the town. 

We have looked at the life of a significant person from the local area called Learie Constantine. We posed questions about what we wanted to find out about him based on the sources of evidence we analysed and created a timeline of significant events that took place in his life.



We began our music learning by listening to and appraising the song ‘Hands Feet Heart’ by Joanna Mangona. We then had a go at finding the pulse in the song which we described as the steady heartbeat. We moved in lots of different ways!


We have been continuing to practise the song 'Hands, Feet, Heart' by Joanna Mangona and have introduced the accompaniment of percussion instruments.



In PE, we have been focusing on developing our fundamental movement skills through athletics. We have practised running, jumping and throwing.



This half term in our DT learning, we have designed, created and evaluated our own fish puppets based on the story Only One You by Linda Kranz.

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