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Week 6

Hello everyone and welcome to our final gallery of remote learning for this half term!

Well done to you all for working so hard, both in home and at school, these last six weeks. As always, your teachers are so proud of you all! Have a lovely half term and enjoy a well deserved rest!


It was wonderful to hear from Aliza and her family this week. Well done Aliza for all of your hard work and for always giving 100% to your remote learning!


As you can see it's been another week of super remote learning for Aryaan. I was so proud to hear from Aryaan's mummy that he always listens really well and always does his vert best learning at home. Well done Aryaan!


Eesa has completed yet another week of wonderful remote learning at home, well done Eesa! Take a look at Eesa's super learning below:


Fatima has been working so hard this week and has also found time to make some beautiful pictures, well done Fatima! It was lovely to see your photos of you having fun in the snow as well!


A big 'well done' to Hamid who has continued to work very hard with all of his remote learning at home. Well done Hamid for always giving 100%, we are so proud of you!

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