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In English we are reading the story 'The Big Bad Owl' by the author Steve Smallman. We will be finding about the characters, comparing them and using key vocabulary to retell the story. We will be using lots of adjectives to add description to our writing.











In Science we will be learning about ourselves and how we can be healthy. We started our learning by discussing the different stages of the life cycle. We then compared the rate at which we grow. We measured each other's body parts.

We did an investigation about the importance of handwashing. We touched bread with clean and dirty hands to see what would happen. We made predictions and observed the bread over time. We found out that germs spread quickly when we don't clean our hands.



In Art we will focus on the work of L.S Lowry and Paul Horton. We will be looking at the different landscapes that they painted and what features they included. We started by looking at buildings around our school. We then looked at different paintings and created colour swatches.

We have continued looking at Lowry and the colours in his paintings. Using different media we have created art work in the style of Lowry.

We worked with Jacqui Smith who taught us lots of new schools to create Art in the Style of Lowry and Paul Horton. We learnt how to make different effects using different media.


In Geography we have been learning about our Local Area.

We went on a walk around our school. We saw lots of different human and physical features. We then sorted these and discussed why there were more human features near our school than physical features. In the next lesson we learnt our address and using google maps, located our house and showed our journey to school. 

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