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Our key text this half term 'Man on the Moon' by Simon Bartram. Can you answer these questions with an adult at home:

Who is the main character in the text?

Where does he live?

What is his job?

What responsibilities does he have?

What is your favourite part of the text?

Did you enjoy the story? Why?

In music with Mrs Brunton we will be learning 'The Friendship Song.' In our first lesson we had a reminder all about pulse and rhythm and we began to learn the lyrics and melody of the song. 

In science we planted pea seeds so we can watch them grow over time. We will also be conducting an investigation to see what plants need to grow. We will put one of our seeds in the cupboard so it doesn’t have any sunlight. We have planted one seed in tissue and not soil and we will also not water one of our seeds. We will observe closely to see what happens! 

In Music we continued to learn 'The Friendship Song' and we began to use tuned instruments to play along with the music. 

We were visited by a local scientist to help us with our science topic. We used forest school to hunt for different minibeasts. Then we collected lots of different types of surfaces and conducted an investigation into which surface the minibeasts could move the fastest on. 

We decorated crowns from Nelson Town Council for the King's coronation. 

We had lots of fun celebrating the Kings Coronation with a special party lunch! 

In art we explored the symbols that were used in aboriginal art and tried to sketch some in our sketchbooks. 

We composed our own melodies in music and then practised playing them on tuned instruments. We will add our own melodies to play along with the song we have been learning. 

In R.E we learnt about the different parts of a church. We then made a church to recreate all of the different parts. 

This week in music we practised improvising to ‘The Friendship Song’. 

We took part in sports day and showed all of the skills that we had learnt this year in own P.E lessons. We practised running, jumping, throwing and catching. 

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