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Week 7


Sana has had another busy week, this week.  She has really enjoyed our key text Naughty Bus.  I was so impressed with her super writing.

Sana has continued to make fantastic progress with her Maths learning.

Well done Sana, this is another week of excellent home learning smiley

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Yusuf has been really impressing me with his phonics and writing.  His Mummy has said that she is so proud of how well he has been doing!  Yusuf's sister has also been playing lots of phonics games with him.  Thank you for helping your little brother!


He also had time to do some more baking with his Mummy, brother and sister.  Well done Yusuf smiley

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It was lovely to receive an email from Sara and see her ready to go with her home learning.  Sara wrote a super sentence, using her phonics, to describe her bus.  It looks like she has enjoyed our new key text Naughty Bus.

Sara has also completed some excellent counting home learning.  She was counting so carefully to find a total.

Well done Sara!  You have made a fantastic start to the new term smiley


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Anayah has been very busy with her home learning.  She has made a fantastic start to the new term learning all about different types of vehicles.

In school Anayah really enjoys her maths learning.  It looks like she enjoys doing it at home too!

Thank you for sharing you fantastic home learning Anayah.  I am very proud of all your hard work smiley


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