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Class 8

Goodbye Year 2!


We have had an amazing year with all of you. We are very sad to see you go but we know you are ready for your next adventure in junior school. It has been a privilege to be your teachers this year and you have all worked so hard and made excellent progress. I hope you have a fun-filled summer with your families and friends - you deserve it!

Keep working hard and trying your best!


Mr Ward, Miss Aziz & Mrs Parveen


Leavers’ Assembly


To celebrate the children’s efforts and achievements this year, they all received an award to recognise their individual talents and abilities. Each child was presented with a certificate, a book and a bookmark. Well done to all of them!

Sports Day 2022

The children all did brilliantly in their sports day, showing lots of effort and determination. It was amazing to see so many parents in the playground supporting them! The children took part in lots of different athletics activities, involving running, jumping and throwing. We came 3rd overall but I thought all of our children were a credit to themselves and their families in the way that they supported and encouraged each other throughout the afternoon, showing super team-work.

Key Information




Our PE day is Tuesday. Please send children to school on this day wearing their full PE kit as well as their school jumper. As a reminder, school PE kit consists of:

  • White t-shirt or polo shirt
  • Black shorts, tracksuit / jogging bottoms or leggings
  • Trainers or pumps
  • No football kits, hoodies, non-uniform jumpers or open-toed footwear please

Children will remain in their PE kit all day and will still play out at play-times so please dress appropriately and consider the weather on the day.


Reading Books


We will hear children read throughout the week. Each child will read to one of the teachers at least once a week. We will change their books on a regular basis but some children may be asked to keep a book for a number of days. This is to improve their confidence and fluency and help them to make faster progress. Their reading book is carefully matched to their phonics ability. Please do not worry if your child finds their reading book easy - they are supposed to! We request that you spend at least 10 minutes a day listening to your child read at home. This is essential to support their progress in all areas of their learning.


Home Learning


Each child will receive home learning. This will usually consist of literacy and maths but could be replaced with a project, research or other task relating to a 'topic' area. This will be given out on a Wednesday and should be returned by Monday. If you have any questions about your child's home learning, please speak to a member of our class team.

Web Links

The children have been given log in information to access certain sites. If you are unable to access any of the games or websites, please speak to a member of our class team.

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