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This half-term we will be exploring the following text and considering what it would be like to visit outer space.


Would you like to be an astronaut?


Before reading the text, we looked at some pictures and wrote down things we knew about the main character based on clues that we had spotted.



In science, we will be learning all about plants. We will revisit the learning from Year 1, but learn lots of new interesting information.


First, we began by remembering the different parts of a plant and their functions.


Watch this video on BBC Bitesize to find our more.


We then planted our own sunflower seeds and tracked their growth in a diary.


Can you remember the equipment we needed?

We had a visit from our scientist Steven Lewis Neille. He helped us to lead an investigation to find out which planting materials a minibeast would be suited to best in its habitat.





This half term, we are learning all about aboriginal art. We discussed how it originated from tribal groups in Australia and Africa thousands of years ago.


Here are some examples below.


Can you spot any patterns?




When looking closely at the aboriginal artwork, we spotted different patterns and symbols. We discussed how these each have a meaning and sketched some ourselves.

We identified that in most pieces of aboriginal artwork, there are animals as a focus, particularly birds. We considered the different birds and sketched their body parts.

We created our own aboriginal art pieces, including a bird as a focal point and symbols.


Which one do you like the best?



This half term, we will be learning all about the history of flight. We began by placing the significant events from the development of air crafts on a timeline.


Watch the video below and have a go at the activities to remind yourself of the significant events.




We learnt about the events that took place during the first moon landing and created a timeline.



This half term, we are learning the 'Friendship Song' by Joanna Mangona and Pete Readman.


We began by listening to and appraising the song. 

We then accompanied the song with our own instrumental compositions.


We hope you enjoy our final performance!

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