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Phonics Teaching



Phase 2

In Phase 2 children are introduced to each written letter (grapheme) and the sound (phoneme) that they make. They use their knowledge to merge sounds together (blend) to help them to read words. Children will also learn to chop (segment) words up to help them to write simple words. The children love to use their robot arms to help them.



  Blending for reading words              s-a-t = sat           


  Sementing for spelling words            pin = p-i-n




This video will you to help understand blending.


Phase 3

In Phase 3 children will use their knowledge of blending and segmenting and will learn some new letters. These new sounds are two (diagraph) or three (trigraph) letters merged together to make one sound.


sh-o-p = shop

        t-ai-l = tail        

n-igh-t = night



Tricky words

Children also need to learn the Phase 2 and 3 tricky words. These are words that need be learned as a whole.





Phase 2 Tricky words







Phase 3 Tricky words






Letters, pictures and words are everywhere! We should encourage our children to find letters, words and even tricky words wherever we are. Make it fun, turn it into a word hunt or a game of I spy.

 There are so many opportunities, here are some examples...




Helping your child to read at home.


Reading is at the heart of our school curriculum. We believe that reading provides children with many different opportunities and experiences. It encourages children to be independent thinkers, stimulates imagination and improves language and vocabulary skills. At Whitefield Infant School we aim to foster a love and passion for reading, where children read for pleasure and enjoyment.

How to help you child with reading


There are many ways to support you child with their reading but the most important is to enjoy reading together. Sharing a book with your child is fun! Story time is perfect for relaxing and talking together. The children in Reception love story books and we have many favourite authors.



I have put some photographs underneath of ideas for applying phonics at home.


Phonics can be taught in really fun ways.


Which activity will you choose to do today?



Ideas for phonics at home



You could use your phonics packs at home using all of these ideas! I hope you have lots of fun practising your phonics children :)


Miss you lots


Mrs Hutchinson x

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