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Our Curriculum Intent- Science


At Whitefield Infant School, the science curriculum provides children with an increasing knowledge and understanding of the world around them. It enables children to develop enquiry skills and questioning skills to prepare them for life in an increasingly scientific world. The curriculum focuses on developing scientific vocabulary through hands on, practical experiences to develop a deep and lasting interest in science.


Science is taught following the aims and content of the National Curriculum. It is, where possible, taught through creative topic based work. We think Science is really fun and we provide children with first-hand experiences and opportunities to work scientifically in order to develop their scientific understanding. 


In the Foundation Stage we foster a hands-on curiosity for exploration of the world which feeds into the children’s skills for enquiry further on in the school.  Children are encouraged to develop their scientific skills through careful observations, investigations, experimenting, measuring, comparing and questioning. We aim to provide children with a range of opportunities where they are encouraged to make predictions, carry out fair tests, use scientific vocabulary, and technology. Through these fantastic experiences children learn the skills needed in order to present their ideas and evidence in appropriate ways and to make links with cause and effect.


At Whitefield Infant school we have a shared vision for the teaching of science. We believe science is good when;

  • Children are working practically.

  • Children use the correct scientific vocabulary.

  • Children record their learning in a variety of ways.

  • Children ask their own questions.

  • Children work in groups.

  • Children have ownership of their learning. (Planning their own investigations, asking their own questions, taking risks)

  • We use the outdoors.

  • Teachers are confident about what they are teaching.

  • Children are engaged, excited and involved.

  • Science is cross-curricular.

Supporting Science at Home

Science Around Our School

Science in Action

Supporting Documents

Our 'Curriculum Overview for Science' show the coverage of Science across the school.

Our 'Science Knowledge Hands' show the knowledge we expect our children to learn and remember in each year group, each half term.

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