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Our Curriculum Intent- Geography


At our school Geography teaches an understanding of places and environments. Our children learn about their local area and beyond. Through carefully planned and sequenced teaching our children become motivated to find out about the diversity of places, people and environments. The development of vocabulary is paramount at Whitefield and through teaching and learning opportunities meaning is given to a wide range of geographical vocabulary. We seek to inspire our children to be curious about the world around them.


Geography is taught as part of topic work within our curriculum. Through our Geography teaching we aim to further develop the children’s natural curiosity about the amazing world we live in. We aim to develop a responsible and caring approach to our world and all living things.


The school grounds and local area are used by all year groups for a range of practical activities and enquiry-led learning. This starts in the Early Years with their daily outside learning opportunities and is further enhanced by local walks and educational visits. In Year 1 the children use the school grounds and explore the wider locality and in Year 2 they use our town with other localities overseas.

Supporting Geography at Home

Geography Around Our School

Geography in Action

Geography in KS1

Supporting Documents

Our 'Curriculum Overview for Geography' shows the coverage of Geography across the school.

Our 'Geography Knowledge Hands' shows the knowledge we expect our children to learn and remember in each year group, each half term.

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