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Night and day

Our topic this half term is 'Night and Day'

We will be learning all about night and day animals and seasonal change.

Exploring autumn objects

Miss Smith came to nursery to help us with our art work. We used autumn objects to create some wonderful art work. We practised drawing, painting and printing!

In maths we have been creating repeating patterns using autumnal objects!

Our core text this half term is 'Owl babies'

Owl Babies Picture Book Animation

Uploaded by Wendy Stafford on 2015-08-26.

We have been retelling the story during group time!

We have been using the iPad's to create our own 'Owl babies' pictures.

We have produced some wonderful art work this half term!

Chris bought some owls to nursery from our local owl sanctuary. We learnt lots of interesting facts about different types of owls!

We each got the opportunity to hold 'Bubbles the owl'


We used the green screen tool on our iPad's to add a night time background to our photographs!

Our published end of term outcomes.

Our learning outcomes!

Still image for this video
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