The sounds we will be learning in the first half term are:
j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng ai ee igh oa
Thank you for helping support your child at home
with learning these sounds.
Our core text this half term is Here Comes Jack Frost by Kazuno Kohara.
Lunar New Year
The children have been learning all about the celebration of the Lunar New Year. We learnt about all the special traditions and how people celebrate this festival.
We found out that red and and gold are special colours; red means good luck and gold means wealth. We watched videos of a dragon dance and a lion dance.
In class we made a dragon and tried our very own dragon dance outside!
Hot and Cold
This term, the children have been learning all about hot and cold. We have looked at different animals that live in these places and looked at similarities and differences. We then had a go at drawing and painting animals that live in hot and cold places. We also looked at hot and cold colours.