The Olympics
This year our whole -school project was The Olympics. The project aimed to help children have an awareness and understanding of this significant, global event. It aimed to promote our school values of respect, diversity, teamwork and effort, and the importance of caring for our own physical and mental well-being.
In our English lessons we started by reading a poem about a food 'School Sports Day'. We have written our own poems about playing sports with different foods. We learnt about the Olympics and have looked at features of a non-fiction report. We have used facts we have found out to write our own non-fiction reports about the Olympics.
We also researched Usain Bolt as a significant individual and wrote a diary in role as him.
We found out about Austria. We looked at the human and physical features and the similarities between Austria and the United Kingdom. Throughout the topic we researched and found information using the internet.
In art, we studied the Austrian artist, Hudertwasser. We have looked closely at his artwork using viewfinders and practised sketching the lines and shapes we could see. We added colour to our artwork using oil pastels and watercolours. We also created digital art using Keynote on the iPads.
Wheatley Lane Visit
We had a super morning visiting our friends at Wheatley Lane Primary School. After saying hello together in the hall, we split into groups and took part in drawing challenges or a scavenger hunt before swapping over. Before break time, it was nice to join in with schools from across the country on a Schools Linking zoom call to celebrate the friendships we have all made this year. We were very grateful to Wheatley Lane for being excellent hosts and wish we could have stayed longer!