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Remote learning 22nd February - 5th March

Hello everyone, I hope you have all had a lovely half term and a nice rest!


Here you will find all of your learning for the next two weeks. Don't forget to email your teachers at

to show us all the wonderful learning you are doing at home!


Best wishes,

Mrs Burns and the nursery team 

Click the link to watch all of the learning videos to support your learning for the next two weeks.

Nursery learning videos - 22nd February - 5th March | Whitefield Infant School and Nursery (

Our core text this term is 'Goldilocks and the three bears'


Goldilocks and The Three Bears

Still image for this video

You can listen to other bear stories along with some of our favourite books by clicking this link:


Nursery stories | Whitefield Infant School and Nursery (

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