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Our Curriculum Intent - PE


In our school, we ensure all children have access to high quality, engaging PE lessons, wider sporting opportunities, and encourage an enjoyment and value for all sports. To develop the whole child socially, emotionally and physically and give them the skills to make healthy lifestyle choices in the future.


Across the school we really enjoy PE and School Sport! We passionately believe in the importance of developing healthy, active lifestyles amongst our children and local community. We prioritise this within our provision of timetabled PE lessons, extra-curricular clubs and promotion of wider sporting opportunities. 


With a large proportion of the Government PE Funding we have received, staff work with Miss Farrell, our specialised Sports Coach, to support their continued professional development. This ensures high quality PE for our children and builds staff confidence in their delivery.


PE in Action


Take a look at the active learning that has been taking place in our PE lessons this year.

Curriculum Documents

Opportunities in the Local Community


Miss Farrell continues to seek opportunities for our children and families to engage in physical activity and sport outside of school. She has managed to build strong links with a number of local providers and it is pleasing to see an increasing number of individuals up taking these opportunities. You can find out more about what is available by visiting our ‘Club Links’ board outside the school hall, and scanning the QR codes for further details.


Sport and Healthy Lifestyle Resources


Take a look at some of the resources included below. These share information about sporting events that are taking place around the world, and, encourage leading a healthy active lifestyle at home.

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