If there has been severe weather overnight, please refer to the school website or check your text messages. There may also be announcements on the radio stations below. Please ensure that your child is sent to school suitably dressed.
If there is severe weather during the day, it may be necessary for the children to leave school early. Should this be the case, please keep your mobile phone at hand as a text message will be sent to inform you.
It is extremely important that we have an up to date mobile phone number for you.
Please do not telephone the school to ask if school is open.
In the event of weather so severe as to necessitate an early closure, the following plan will go into action to ensure that students and staff reach home safely.
1. The Headteacher of Whitefield Infant School and Nursery will contact local radio stations to relay information that pupils are being sent home, The radio stations contacted will be 2BR (99.8 FM) and BBC Radio Lancashire (95.5 FM, 103.9 FM 104.5 FM, 855 MW, 1557MW) .
3. A text message will be sent to all parents/carers.
4. The school will remain open as long as necessary to care for any students until they are collected.