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Remote Learning Documents

We have taken a 'blended' approach to our Remote Learning, which means we are using online links and teaching videos, alongside paper-based packs of Remote Learning.  Having sent out a questionnaire to all our families to find out about access to technology at home and the number of siblings sharing devises, we felt that to ensure 100% access for all our children, this was the best approach, ensuring all children could engage.  We also had to consider the age of our children and their ability to access online materials/platforms independently and the fact that as an infant school, we were not eligible for any Government or local support for providing laptops at home. 


Our Remote Learning approach does not rely on technology and can be completed daily, by all children, without any online access, although daily teaching videos and links have been included in our packs to enhance the daily lesson plans. 


We have bought home access for a number of app's that the children can use to consolidate their learning (Purple Mash, Busy Things, Oxford Owl Reading Scheme, Numbots, Espresso and Phonics Play). 


Children have been split into Key Worker groups and allocated a staff member, who will call home weekly to offer any guidance and support and  be there to respond and give feedback to the learning submitted via our class email systems. 

Please click here for a review on our remote learning approach

Click here for a Remote Lerning Guide for Parents:

Click here for frequently asked questions linked to Remote Learning:

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