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Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum Intent


At Whitefield Infant School, every child matters. Our curriculum has been designed to ensure our children have the possible best start on their educational journey and are well prepared for the next phase of their education. Our curriculum allows children to develop their language and vocabulary and  understanding of the world around them through first-hand learning experiences; making learning meaningful and memorable. Topics and learning sequences have been carefully planned to ensure they are relevant to the children and allow them to reach identified end points, gaining the skills and knowledge they need to be successful learners and be well prepared for life beyond our school.


Our Curriculum Aims:

  1. To provide all children with equal access to a creative, broad and balanced curriculum, that is sequential and has language at the core.
  2. To strengthen the connection our children have with the world around them by providing a wealth of opportunities to experience this first hand.
  3. To develop the sense of belonging all children have to the community in which they live and the wider world.
  4. To enrich the curriculum and develop the cultural capital of our children through the Arts, ensuring learning is memorable.


Click on the Year Group folders to see our Curriculum Overviews:

Follow the link below to watch our school video, to get a 'snap shot' of our curriculum at Whitefield.

Click on a curriculum area to find out more about each subject:

Click below for a parents guide to the National Curriculum:

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