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Our core text this half term is The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis. 

In English we created our own bog babies and wrote a character description about them using nouns and adjectives. 

As part of our science learning we discussed the lifecycle of a plant and we planted sunflower seeds so that we can observe their changes over time. 

In English we took our bog babies on an adventure around the forest school. We practised using positional language to describe where we took our bog babies. The next day we drew a map of our journey to help us write a recount. 

As part of our Science learning we had a special visit from our local scientist Mr Lewis Neil. We went into the Forest School to look for families of minibeasts to compare how they grow from babies to adults. He also showed us some baby mice that has just been born before they turn into adult mice.

In maths we have been learning about capacity. We were measuring the volume of containers using ml. We had to look carefully at the scale to pour the correct amount of liquid. 

In maths we have been working with Mrs Brunton on improvisation and playing the instruments by reading simple music to perform with the class. 

In art we have been looking at artwork by the artist Georgia O'Keefe. We looked at her artwork and looked carefully at the colours, lines and shapes that she used. We then practised drawing the lines and shapes and making colour strips of the bold, vibrant colours that she used. 

We celebrated the King's Coronation by decorating party hats for a competition run by Nelson Town Council and had a special party lunch. We all wore red white and blue clothes. 

We then went out into the school grounds to look for flowers and created observational drawing of the plants and flowers we could see. 

For our final piece of artwork we created 3D sculptures in the style of Georgia O'Keefe ensuring we took great care to sculpt the small details that flowers have. We used acrylic paint to paint them in bright, vibrant colours. 

Take a look at our learning journey from this half term.

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