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Spring and Growth- Summer 1

This term in Class 2 we are learning all about Spring and Growth. We are going to be learning lots about the growth of plants and the growth of animals and different creatures. 

Our Key text is Jack and the Beanstalk. 

Planting our Magic Beans:

The children have been planting their own beans just like Jack! We have been learning all about how to care for our beans properly. We have been watering them and making sure they have enough sunlight to grow. The children have been very excited about our bean plants and watching them grow each day. I wonder if they will grow as tall as Jack's... 

Exploring the pond!

The children went into the forest school to explore and see if they could find any tadpoles in the pond. We have been learning all about the lifecycle of a frog so we wanted to see if we could spot any frog spawn or tadpoles! The children looked very closely and used their magnifying glasses to explore...

A visit from a Scientist...

The children had a very special visit all about minibeasts from Steven the Scientist. He spoke to the children about the different minibeasts that might live in our forest school and we got to explore and see what we could find.

The children found many different creatures and we even found a frog! Steven then showed us his toad which he brought along with him and some of the children were even brave enough to touch it!

Releasing our butterflies!

We have been doing lots of learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly. In Class 2 we have been looking after our very own caterpillars. We have watched them turn into chrysalises and we have now released our butterflies! As as class we also named all of our butterflies!

Sports Day Fun!!!

We had lots of fun at our Sports Day! The children took part in lots of different sports activities and tried so hard! They also loved watching the Mummy's and Daddy's getting up and having a go!

Farm Trip Fun!!

We had lots of fun on our farm trip! We got to see lots of animals which we have been learning all about and we even got to feed some of these animals! The children had lots of fun exploring the farm and listening to all of the interesting facts that the farmer's knew! We also got to have a go in the play area which was so much fun! The children were so brave and calm with the animals, the farmer's were so impressed! 

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