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The Perfect Pet

Welcome back everyone!


We hope that you have had a wonderful week at home with your families. 


This half term our learning will take place around the topic of animals. 




Our core text for Autumn 2 is 'Wanted: The Perfect Pet' by Fiona Roberton.



To immerse the children in our new topic we have enjoyed a trip to Blackpool Zoo where the children saw many amazing animals and have learnt a lot about what they eat, how they live and what they look like.  



We have enjoyed working with Scientist Steven Lewis Neille to learn about what happens to the trees and leaves in the season of Autumn. We talked about the changes that we see, why they happen and learnt about the bugs and insects that we might find hiding under the leaves when they are on the ground. We used a microscope to look closely at snails, millipedes and woodlice and carefully drew them with the features we observed. 

We went to visit the Cenotaph in Nelson centre to pay our respects and give thanks for all the sacrifices made by the people in the War.  During our British Values assembly this week we learnt all about Muriel Dyson who was an aircraftwoman from Nelson. When visiting the Cenotaph we looked at all of the names on the memorial wall and found Muriel Dyson's name. We then laid our poppy wreath and said a special prayer of rememberance together. 

In Forest School we have applied our newly learnt scientific knowledge to design and make our own animal habitats using natural materials. 

In English we are retelling our core text 'The perfect Pet.' 


We have worked together in groups to create a story map and used it to verbally retell the story to our friends. 

In Maths we have been solving practical problems involving fractions and capacity.

As part of our class topic on animals we have had the opportunity to meet Chris and his three owls Tyke, Midge and Bubbles! We found out that owls that have yellow eyes  are awake in the day and not at night! 

We all worked together to plant daffodil bulbs. We can't wait to watch them grow!

Mrs Willan brought in her pet tortoise Tango to meet us! We really enjoyed learning all about his diet, habitat and how he hibernates during winter.

In Forest School we have made bird feeders to help feed the birds through the season of winter. 

In DT we have been practising the skills needed to make slots and sliders. First we explored and discussed a range of pop up books with moving parts and then used a sliding mechanism to create a moving picture of a penguin sliding across ice. We had to cut very carefully to make sure that we achieved the correct technique needed to make our product work. We then evaluated the effectiveness of our product and what we might change if we were to make it again. 

Our focus artist this half term is Henri Matisse. We have looked closely at his famous painting Goldfish and talked about the shapes and colours we could see.



We then practised sketching our own goldfish and used the skills we learnt to create our own silk paintings inspired by Matisse. 

Performance poetry

Here is a house.MOV

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

We had a very special visitor at our Christmas party! 

Our Autumn 2 Learning Journey


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