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Outdoor Learning

Nest building - linking with our core text in literacy we built nests like the magpie in the story and then wrote a set of instructions explaining what we needed and how we did it

P.E - we love our weekly PE sessions with Mr Dave! We learn about the importance of movement, exercise and how to live a healthy lifestyle. .

We created our own characters and took them on an outdoor adventure. We acted out our stories and told them to our group.

Whitefield Bridge 

Linking with our art and topic learning all about bridges we walked to a bridge in the local area. We talked about it’s purpose, what canal it went over, what we can see and created sketches for our artwork. 

Bridges and Structures 
In topic we have been learning about bridges and structures. We have been looking at their shape and purpose and got set a challenge to build our own in the forest school. Some were even strong enough to hold us! Take a look …

Autumn Time

We have been exploring the season of Autumn. We went on an Autumn hunt in the woodland and listened carefully to what sounds the Autumn leaves made. We created our own Autumn poem using the language we collected. 

Autumn Time

Gardening and taking care of our class 4 planter.

Linking to our Science and our learning on senses we used our sense of touch to find and sort natural materials into categories. We tried to find things that were ‘bumpy, rough, smooth, soft and spikey’.

Creating self portraits using natural materials 

Linked with our art learning on Pablo Picasso we used natural materials in the woodland to create our own face picture. We worked collaboratively with a partner and thought carefully about which objects would be best for each feature. 

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