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Autumn 2 - Sparkle and Shine

The graphemes we will be learning in this half term will be:


 g o c k ck e u r h b f ff l ll ss


Please help your child consolidate these at home.

Our Christmas Party

The children have a fantastic time at our Christmas party.  They played lots of party games and had yummy party food.

The children had a special visitor at the Christmas party.  They had a visit from Father Christmas!

Merry Christmas Bear!

In literacy the children have been reading The Best Christmas Present Ever! by Ben Mantle.

The children wrapped presents to their friends and wrote a label.  They used their phonic knowledge and used the tricky word *to*.

Let's build!

The children have become really interested in constructing buildings and different structures using a variety of resources. 


First, we built Big Ben and this then progressed to us building Tower Bridge and the Shard.

Then we got to work with Miss Smith, who gave lots more ideas of what we could build and what we could use to make our buildings.  We built a town using cardboard boxes, we built outside in the construction area and we learnt how to make a bridge stronger by using triangles in our structure.  We have loved being engineers and builders!

Part, part, altogether

In maths the children have been combining two amounts to find a total.  We have used different methods to understand the terms adding and equals.

Happy Birthday!

In our literacy learning our key text has been The Best Birthday Present Ever! by Ben Mantle.

The children have been planning their own birthday parties in literacy.  They have planned what special food they will have, written birthday cards and written gift tags for the presents.

The Festival of Diwali

As part of our 'Sparkle and Shine' topic the children are learning all about different festivals and celebrations.  This week we learnt about the Hindu festival, Diwali.  We learnt that Diwali is a festival of light and we made Diva lamps.  We also took part in the Diwali dance workshop.

Our Autumn walk to Victoria Park

The children went for a walk to look for signs of Autumn.  We set off from school and walk all the way down to Victoria Park.  We saw lots of leaves that had changed colour and picked some up and brought them back to school.  

In school, we used the leaves that we had collected to produce printing and looked carefully at the colours of Autumn.

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