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Autumn 1

In maths we have been learning all about number. We have been learning to recognise the numeral, counting and representing the value of numbers to 5. 

In Literacy we have been learning some new letter sounds and practising our letter formation, ready to bring writing captions and simple sentences. 

We have enjoyed our continuous provision learning and exploring both inside and outside. We have made some autumn trees, played in our water area and enjoyed building in the construction area. 

As part of our topic learning class 1 have been on an autumn walk to the park, we learnt all about how to keep safe on our walk. We wore yellow safety jackets so we could be seen by the cars, held hands with our friend and waited for the teachers to tell us it was safe to cross the road. We enjoyed our tip to the park to look at the signs of autumn. When we got back to school the next day we worked together to create a map of our journey and talked about the different human and physical features we saw. 

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