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Marvelous Me!

Our first half term topic this year is 'Marvelous Me'. This theme is a great way of starting our new journey in Year 1 and helps us to focus on what is amazing and unique about us and the importance of friendship and family.

English - This half term our main focus is on orally composing our sentences before writing them down, letter formation, using phonics to segment words we want to write, using finger spaces, capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and full stop at the end.  

Maths - Our main focus areas are sorting objects, counting forwards and backwards, identifying one more and one less, comparing numbers to identify which is smaller and larger, ordering objects and numbers on a number line, addition and subtraction of objects using a part-whole method, and number bonds to 10/20.



Please see the photos below for our maths learning journey so far.

2D Shape Week


This week we have been exploring 2D shapes. We talked about the 2D shapes we already know about and learnt the names of some new ones before going on a shape hunt around school. We then looked closely at the different properties of 2D shapes and sorted them into different groups. 

In Geography, we have been enjoying lots of outdoor practical activities to develop our basic mapping skills. We have explored the local area surrounding our school and looked for landmarks such as the canal and Pendle Hill.

In Science, we are learning all about the human body and talking about different body parts and what they do. We have completed an experiment testing our senses. We used blindfolds to take away our sense of sight and used our ears and hands to explore our hearing and touch. 

For our first Forest School session we talked about our facial features and used natural materials to create pictures of our faces. 

In Art we have been finding out about the life and work of the artist Pablo Picasso. We have really enjoyed learning about his art and the things that influenced his most famous pieces. Through our art sessions, we have had the opportunity to explore Picasso’s unique style of self portraits by beginning to create our own Picasso inspired portraits.

In History we have been looking at household items from the past and comparing them to the items we have at home today. We talked about the similarities and differences and how the items have changed over time. 

Now that we have come to the end of our first half term of learning we would like to share our amazing learning journey. Well done children for a wonderful start to Year 1, we are very proud of you! 

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