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Class 9

Welcome to Class 9!


Our teachers in Class 9 are Miss Stott, Mrs Akhtar and Mrs Hardacre.


We are always at the classroom door each morning and at the end of the day if there is anything you would like to ask. You can also contact us on our class email below:


Thank you for your continued support.




Click on the link below to open our 'Welcome to Year 2' PowerPoint

Class 9 Information

Home learning

Your child will receive Maths and English home learning every Wednesday. Please can this be brought back into school on a Monday morning. This learning will be linked to the learning we have been doing in class and will help to consolidate what they have been taught. If your child is ever unsure of their home learning please write a comment in their book or speak to one of your child's teachers and we can support them with this.



Reading Rainbow Stars


Each time your child reads in class or at home they will receive stickers on their reading bookmark. Please help your child by listening to them read every night for 10 minutes and signing their reading record. As they fill their reading bookmarks they will work their way through the rainbow!



Class 9 have P.E on a Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes in their P.E kit on a Thursday and that their water bottle is in school. Our school P.E uniform is black jogging bottoms, a white t-shirt and black pumps.

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