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Looking After Nelson

This term our core text is 'Tidy' by Emily Gravett

Take a look at our learning journey from this half term

Take a look at our performance poetry this half term. ' We love the earth by Sharon Matiolli'

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In art we have been looking at the artist 'Rodrigo McCoubry' who uses recycled materials to create specific pieces. We have linked this learning with our science topic on 'materials' and our learning all about 'recycling'. We have created our own fish and added recycled materials that we have found to add texture, patterns and colour.

We also collaborated in groups and used reggio materials to create our fish on a larger scale focusing on line, pattern and textures. We had lots of fun and our creations were really effective.  

We have been researching facts and learning all about Sir David Attenborough and the impact he has had in helping protect our planet!

Cleaning Up Nelson!

This term we are learning all about how to take care of our planet. Linking with our Science learning about materials and recycling we went litter picking on the streets surrounding our school. We found lots of rubbish and made sure it all went in the bin! 

We created a non chronological report all about 'Keeping Nelson Tidy'

Happy world book day!! All the teacher went to different classes today to share a special story! We had the lovely Mrs Graham in class 4. We love reading at Whitefield School!

Bringing books to life workshop- We read and learnt the story 'The Enormous Crocodile' by Roald Dahl. We then acted out the story and brought it to life in a dance performance!

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Outdoor Learning

Linking with our Maths learning on measures this week we went into the forest school to make a 'measures magic potion'. we had to find things that were 'shorter, longer, heavier and lighter' as well as certain quantities.


In Maths we have been learning about measures. We have been using 'standard' and 'non standard' units to measure items. We also went on a measures hunt outside to find things that were 'longer' and 'shorter' than one meter. 

Design Technology

We have designed, made and evaluated our own bird feeders. We had to make informed choices on the type of bird feeder we wanted to make, the material we wanted to make it out of and they type of food we wanted the birds to eat. 

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