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The Perfect Pet!

Our topic this half term is ‘The Perfect Pet’. Last half term we introduced our new science topic - animals with a trip to Blackpool Zoo. 

In English this half term, our main focus is continuing to orally compose sentences before writing them, our letter formation, using our phonics to segment the words we want to write and continuing to use capital letters, full stops, joining words and finger spaces. 

Our core text this half term is:

* WANTED! THE Perfect Pet. - By Fiona Roberton 


During our non-fiction writing in English, Mrs Willan brought in her pet tortoise, Tango. We discussed what Tango would need in his habitat, what he eats and other tortoise facts. We then used this to write a setting description for a tortoise habitat. The children loved having Tango in the class. 



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Still image for this video


Still image for this video

In our Maths learning this half term, we will be looking at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, repeating patterns, fractions, measuring capacity and volume, money and time. 

Months of the year

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Our learning areas ...

In Science this half term we are looking at animals. We will be looking at classifying the animals into different groups (mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians and fish), identifying which animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and comparing different animals. 

We had a visit from local Scientist ‘Steven Lewis Neille’. He worked with us to complete simple investigations with the mice, looked at animal habitats and diets and the different signs of autumn. We also went around Forest school and collected our favourite leaves, then sorted and grouped them depending on their shape or type.

In our Design and Technology lessons this half term, we will be creating our own ‘Dear Zoo’ book. The children will look at using slots, sliders and levers in their designs. They will design, make and evaluate an animal on a sliding mechanism or a lever. 

DT - evaluate an existing product

DT - To practice skills needed to make slots and slider mechanisms and a lever.

DT - To make an animal sliding mechanism

DT - To make a sliding animal mechanism

In Art, we had a look at Henri Matisse and his artwork the ‘Goldfish’. The children practised their sketching skills using line and shape. They then explored his use of colour and experimented using different types of media in their sketchbooks. 

In Geography this half term we will be learning about the four countries of the United Kingdom. We started this unit of learning by revisiting our previous learning about our local area and talked about Nelson being a town in the country of England. We will be exploring different landmarks in each of the four countries. 

Our Geography learning so far ...

During our Forest School sessions, we will be looking at going on an animal hunt and classifying them into their correct groups, making bird feeders as the weather is getting colder and making a shelter for hedgehogs.

In our PE sessions this half term, we are looking at multi-skills and agility. The children practice the skills through games in their two PE lessons a week. 

Our PE learning

In RE this half term, we have been looking at Christianity. We have discussed how Jesus is a special baby and why we think he is special. We have looked at the nativity story and then retold it using masks. Finally, we discussed that gifts can be materialistic or gifts of love.

Our RE learning so far ...



We had a lovely afternoon welcoming all of our parents into our classroom to make some Christmas crafts. The children had so much fun showing their grown ups how to make the trees, baubles, cards etc. We have some very crafty grown ups!

Thank you so much for coming, the children had an amazing afternoon! 

Christmas Party afternoon


We had such a fun time for our Christmas party! We got to make party hats, have party food for our lunch, play lots of different party games in class, win prizes and we even got to go and see FATHER CHRISTMAS. As we had been so good, he gave us all a gift. 

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