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Our core text this half term is The Big Baby by Jeanne Willis. 


Welcome to the summer term! We hope you enjoyed the Easter break and that you had a chance to spend some much needed time with friends and family.


This half term our topic is ‘Growth’. We will be engaging in a variety of learning experiences to develop our knowledge and understanding of growth in the natural environment. 

We began our topic by making our very own Bog Babies! We then planned and wrote a character description as part of our English learning. 

In Science we planted our very own Sunflowers and discussed what they needed to help the, grow - sun, soil and water. We are excited to observe them grow over this half term. 

As part of our History topic we have started to learn all about the life and achievements of Wangari Mathaai.  We looked at recalling information we already knew about her and then chose some questions we wanted to find out the answers to. We then had a look at some evidence about her life. 

In Art we are learning about the life and work of the artist Georgia O’Keeffe, who is famous for her paintings of flowers. We used viewfinders to focus on a small section of a piece of her art and then carefully sketched the lines and shapes we could see. The children used a variety of sketching materials, pencils, pens and whiteboard markers to see the different marks they created. 

In our English this week, we created habitats for our Bog Babies in Forest School. We then discussed them as a class and described them using nouns and adjectives in our English books. Later on in the week, we created a setting description for Bluebell wood again using adjectives to describe the nouns. 

In our Geography topic this term we are looking at human and physical features. This week, we went for a walk to and around Victoria Park. We discussed the different human and physical features we could see like the river, trees, houses, roads etc. We all really enjoyed our little afternoon out. 

This week in maths, we have been looking at capacity. We have been reading scales and using jugs and cylinders to measure our specific amounts of liquid to make some drinks. We have also worked together as a class to estimate which container would hold the most amount of water (in litres). Our estimations were very good! 

As part of our Science learning each week, we have been observing and recording the growth of our sunflowers we planted in the first week. They have grown so tall in just 3 weeks! 

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