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Me and My World- Autumn 1

This half term in Class 2 we are learning all about ‘Me and My World’. We are going to be doing lots of learning all about ourselves, our families and what makes us who we are!

Our key text is Shark in the Park!

The children have been exploring and experimenting with mark making. We have been writing and forming our pre writing patterns. We have also started to learn new graphemes (letters) and phonemes (sounds). 

The graphemes that we will be learning in the first half term are:

s a t p i n m d g o c k ck 

Please help your child consolidate these at home. 
Thank you :)

The children in Class 2 have settled really well. They have been so busy and are really enjoying exploring our learning environment, both inside and outside, and making lots of new friends!

In our Maths learning we have been looking at and recognising numbers to 5 and we are using objects and jottings to show the value of the numbers! 

We have also been creating beautiful artwork in the style of Alma Thomas. We have been super busy in Class 2!

Class 2 completed the sponsored run, they did amazing! They ran so fast and did so many laps of the playground! Amazing class 2, all of the teachers are so impressed!

In Topic we have been learning all about how to keep our bodies healthy. We spoke about what foods are healthy and what foods are unhealthy, and why healthy foods are good for us. We created our own eat well plate as a class and then the children got to make their own fruit kebabs! The children got to taste them at snack time and said they were really yummy!

In class 2 we have been doing lots of super learning all about Autumn! We have talked all about the changes that happen in Autumn and what signs we will start to see. We then went on an Autumn hunt in the Forest School and the children explored the changes of Autumn. We have also been doing lovely Autumn artwork and exploring the pumpkins in our outdoor area!


We have been so busy in Class 2 and have had an amazing first half term!

Well done Class 2 for all of your hard work!

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