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Where do I Belong?

In English we are reading the story 'The Big Bad Owl' by the author Steve Smallman. We will be finding about the characters, comparing them and using key vocabulary to retell the story. We will be using lots of adjectives to add description to our writing.





In Science we will be learning about ourselves and how we can be healthy. We started our learning by discussing the different stages of the life cycle. We then asked that question...Do taller children have bigger hand spans? We also asked the question...Can taller children jump further than shorter children? We used the knowledge we have to make predictions. We then set up an experiment to see if our prediction was correct.

We have been finding out about germs and why it is important to have good hygiene. We set up an experiment to observe over time. We wiped our hands on a piece of bread and then washed our hands with soap. We will observe the bread and note any changes. Hasan predicted that the soap with ‘get rid of the germs.’



In Geography we are learning about our Local Area. We went on a walk around Nelson and looked at human and physical features.




In Art we will focus on the work of L.S Lowry and Paul Horton. We will be looking at the different landscapes that they painted and what features they included. Will will go on a walk around Nelson and look carefully at the buildings in our area. We will then recreate Nelson in the style of Horton and Lowry.

We created Nelson in the style of Lowry and Horton.



In R.E we will be learning about Christianity. We will look at Christian beliefs about God as a creator, sustainer, and consider how these beliefs might influence Christian attitudes towards the planet. We will explore how Christians might express their beliefs and values through harvest festivities.



In P.E we are learning about Orienteering.

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