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What's it like to be an explorer?

This half term our core text is 'The Great Explorer' by Chris Judge. 

We will start by writing a poem about an explorer. We will think carefully about the adjectives we use. We will then learn about the character Tom. We will discuss and collect vocabulary about his character. We will then write a character description. We will look at the setting and create a word bank which will support us when writing a setting descirption.

In D.T we have been set with the task to make Tom the explorer a bag to carry his belongings. Children will investigate, design, make and evaluate a bag.

In Science we are learning about Materials. Children will be finding out what material an object is made from. They will compare the suitability of everyday materials for particular uses. Children will also take part in investigations, observe changes and record results. They will find out about the shapes of solid objects and how these can be changed.



In History children will research to fond out about the explorer Captain Robert Scott. They will be able to sequence the main events of Scott's expedition on a timeline. They will make comparisons between explorers past and present.


Outdoor Elements.


We got to be explorers for the day! We made bread and had a campfire, built a den before the storm came, rescued someone who was in trouble, crossed the river and work as a team. What a fun but exhausting day!

We worked with Steven the Scientist. We collected different leaves and sorted them into similarities and differences. We then put two shelters in the tub for the mice. We recorded which shelter they went in most frequently. We recorded this on a tally chart.  We then created a fair test. We put two different foods in the container and recorded the results in a tally. We tallied when they ate the food we gave them. 

Building Bridges


We went to visit St Thomas school in Barrowford. They are the school that our class is linked to. We met new friends and we watched their Christmas show. We found out that we are similar in ways and different in ways. 
We can’t wait for them to visit us!

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