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Marvellous Me!

Our first half term topic this year is 'Marvellous Me'. This theme is a great way of starting our new journey in Year 1 and helps us to focus on what is amazing and unique about us and the importance of friendship and family.


Our core text is What Will Danny Do Today? By Pippa Goodhart.


English - This half term our main focus is on orally composing our sentences before writing them down, letter formation, using phonics to segment words we want to write, using finger spaces, capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and full stop at the end.  

In Maths our main focus areas are sorting objects, counting forwards and backwards, identifying one more and one less, comparing numbers to identify which is smaller and larger, ordering objects and numbers on a number line, addition and subtraction of objects using a part-whole method, and number bonds to 10/20.

Class 5 Learning Zones



In Year 1 our learning environments are set up with Learning Zones which use a continuous provision model to facilitate learning across the curriculum. Continuous provision refers to the resources which are always available within the classroom for the children to access to continue their learning independently.

In Year 1 we use the term 'independent learning' with the children. This learning has a different purpose to the continuous and enhanced provision provided in our Nursery and Reception classes.  Year 1 children are encouraged to consolidate their skills, knowledge and understanding through the National Curriculum subjects. 

Children are introduced to learning challenges in each Learning Zone for different areas of the National Curriculum, where they can independently apply skills which have previously been taught. 



In Science we are learning about the different parts of our bodies and how our five senses help us. 

In Geography we are exploring our local area. We have drawn and read maps to show the immediate environment around our school and have talked about some of the human and physical features in Nelson including The Leeds and Liverpool Canal, Terraced Houses, Every Street and Pendle Hill.  

After our local walk we used photographs and Google Earth to identify the route we took. We then placed local landmarks in the correct places on a map of the streets around our school. 

In Art we are learning about the life and work of the artist Pablo Picasso. 

We looked at one of Picasso's most famous paintings 'The Weeping Woman' and talked about how Picasso's portraits are often distorted. We then used viewfinders to explore and recreate the lines, shapes and colours we could see in different pieces of Picasso's artwork. 

The children really enjoyed creating distorted self-portraits based on Picasso's abstract art. 

Sponsored Walk, Jog, Run Event 

We are very proud of the children's efforts and determination in completing the half hour sponsored walk, jog, run challenge. Thank you so much for supporting the children and for your very generous sponsorship. As a school we have raised well over £2000 which will be used to purchase new playtime equipment for all of the children to enjoy. 


In Science we are continuing to learn all about the human body and talking about different body parts and what they do. We have completed an experiment testing our senses. We used blindfolds to take away our sense of sight and used our ears and hands to explore our hearing and touch. 

For our final week of English learning for this half term we have enjoyed the story Ferdie and the Falling Leaves by Julia Rawlinson and Tiphanie Beeke. 


We went outside to look for signs of Autumn and had so much fun exploring how Autumn leaves move! 

We used floating scarves to further explore the movement of the leaves and then worked together to make a list of adjectives and verbs to describe how Autumn leaves look and move. 

Take a look a look at our beautiful Autumn poems we have written below. 

We really enjoyed going on a local walk with Miss Farrell to participate in the Beat the Street initiative. It was a wonderful way to get lots of exercise out in the fresh air and we were able to win lots of points for our school!

Why not have a go as a family in the holidays and see if you can help Whitefield to rise up the leaderboard! 


Now that we have come to the end of our first half term of learning we would like to share our amazing learning journey. Well done children for a wonderful start to Year 1, we are very proud of you! 

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