We hope that you have all had a happy and restful break.
This half term our topic is 'Grand Designs', where we will be looking closely at buildings, construction and architecture around our local area and beyond.
We have started our new topic by looking at our school logo and discussing why we have a picture of the Whitefield Bridge. Over the coming weeks we will be finding out more about the Whitefield Bridge's construction and history and how we use it today to take us from home to school.
We used viewfinders to look closely at the texture and patterns in the bricks, water and grass and experimented recreating it with different media.
Library Visit
We LOVE reading so we had a great time when we visited our local Nelson library to talk about how we can access books and borrow them for home! We had a great time exploring the library and sharing stories!
The Lego Experience
Linking with our learning all about bridges and structures we used lego to build our very own house. We planned what it would look like and used different techniques to add different features and make it unique. Once we had done we put them all together to make a street and used it to role play with our friends. Our houses were very impressive and all the teachers were so proud of what we had created!