Welcome to Nursery!
Our teachers in Nursery are
Mrs Burns (Head of Nursery)
Miss Kauser
Miss O'Horo
Mrs Preshur
We are always at the classroom door each morning and at the end of the day if there is anything you would like to ask.
Or you can contact me by email here:
Information for Parents
Welcome to Nursery
Please click below to view the 'New Nursery Starters' area of the school website, for any information you might need regarding your child starting at Whitefield Nursery.
P.E Day
Morning nursery children will have their P.E lesson with Miss Farrell on a Friday morning and afternoon nursery children will have their P.E lesson on a Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child wears comfy clothing and footwear on a Friday, thank you.
Our Learning in Nursery
Useful Documents
Our curriculum overview shows the topics we will cover and the learning your child will be doing in Nursery throughout the year.