This half term we are studying the author Jan Fearnley. Our key texts are 'Mr Wolf and the three bears' and 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes. Our end point is to write our own innovated story based on Jan Fearnley's alternative traditional tales.
In art we will be using the work of William Morris to explore patterns in nature. We will be creating our own wrapping paper for Baby Bear’s party by printing a repeating pattern. We began by evaluating the designs of William Morris and sketching things from nature that we might like to print.
In P.E we are doing gymnastics. We began by exploring a 3 point balance, we tried to control our balances and extend our legs and arms. We then created a short routine of 3 different balances.
This half term in music with Mrs Brunton we will be exploring rock music and learning the song ‘I wanna be in a band’
Our topic in science this half-term is 'Living Things and their Habitats'.
We will start by revisiting our learning from Year 1 by naming and classifying different animals. We will then explore the processes of living things (MRS GREN!) and compare things that are living, dead and things that have never been alive. We will look at how energy is transferred between living things and describe simple food chains.
Our geography learning this half-term is linked to our English topic of traditional tales. We started by looking at fairy tales and identifying human and physical features. We will decide which features to include in our own fairy tale lands and create maps, including symbols in a key. We will use our maps to show how characters could move between the features and use compass points to describe the routes.
In R.E we are learning about Hinduism, and the practices of Hindu worship. We will learn about devotion and explore what and who we are devoted to. We will then discuss the different ways we show our devotion and the things that are special to us. We will explore the different ways we can show gratitude and respect to the people who really matter to us.
After looking at different pictures of Hindu deities, we will talk about why they are portrayed the way they are. We will look at the ritual of Hindu worship and learn about the different items on the puja tray and compare prayer at home with prayer at a mandir