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Marvellous Me!

Our topic this half term is 'Marvellous Me'. This is a great way to start our new journey in Year 1 as it helps us to discuss ourselves, family and friends.

In English this half term, our main focus is orally composing sentences before writing them down, our letter formation, using phonics to segment words we want to write, using finger spaces, capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and full stops at the end.  


Our core texts this half term are:

* What Will Danny Do Today? - By Pippa Goodhart.

* In Every House, On Every Street. - By Jess Hitchman

* You Choose. - By Pippa Goodhart


Our autumn poem

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Adjectives describing autumn leaves

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Adjectives describing autumn leaves

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In Maths this half term, we will be looking at counting forwards and backwards, identifying one more and one less, ordering numbers on a number line, sorting objects, comparing numbers to see which are larger and smaller, number bonds to 10 and 20 and addition and subtraction of objects using part-part-whole method.

Some of our Maths learning so far...

Our Science topic this half term, is all about the body. We have been identifying different body parts, learning about our senses and discussing what different functions of our body parts. 

Our Science learning so far...

We took part in a Science experiment looking at our different senses. There were 3 different stations. The first one was tasting different types of food (cereal, sweets, cucumber and orange). The second was listening to different instruments and trying to guess which one was making the sound. The third was feeling different objects/materials in boxes and trying to guess what they are. The other activity was trying to write their names whilst blindfolded. The children loved this activity and all worked scientifically. 

Creating and labelling the body

Learning Areas

This year to help with the transition from EYFS to KS1, we have introduced learning areas for the children to complete focused activities in and explore. 

We have a construction area, a role play area, a creative area, a reading corner, a phonics challenge, a maths challenge, a science area and a geography area.


They are loving exploring the different areas!

All of our learning areas

Construction learning area

Role play learning area

During our Forest school lessons so far this half term, we have looked at making faces and buildings using natural materials we have found around the area. 

In Art this half term, we are studying the artist Pablo Picasso. Picasso was an artist born in Spain who focused on drawing and painting portraits. We have been using line, shape and colour to create our own self-portraits in the style of Picasso. 

Picasso art display

Our topic learning journey


Today our children took part in the walk, jog, run sporting event and ran laps of the playground for half an hour. In total we managed over 20 laps and put in SO much effort!! All our teachers were SO proud and we raised over £2000

Thank you to everyone for a superb effort and any money donated! This will go towards buying new playtime equipment for your children to play with at break and lunch times, including new scooters! Very exciting!!  

We have been enjoying our music lessons with Mrs Brunton this half term so far. We have practiced learning the beat, pulse and rhythm of some songs. 

Practising our singing

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Practising our singing

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Practising our music

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Practising our music

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Finding the beat

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Finding the pulse

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In Geography we have been looking at landmarks around the local area of the school. We have been on walk to identify these landmarks like Portland Street, Whitefield Bridge, the Canal, Pendle Hill, Every Street etc. The children identified these and then marked them off in our checklist when we found them. Then we looked on google maps and located the places we’d seen on our walk. We will be drawing and reading our own simple maps in the coming lessons. 

Beat the street - PE orienteering



We visited Blackpool zoo as an introduction to our new science topic next half term - animals. The children had the best time at the zoo, asking lots of questions and being fascinated by all the animals we saw. 

Baby orangutan

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