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Marvellous Me!

Our autumn 1 learning journey!

Take a look at our autumn term performance poetry!

Still image for this video

Blackpool Zoo
We had a fabulous time at Blackpool zoo observing and learning all about animals in preparation for our science topic next term! Ask us all about the animals we saw!

Linking to our art learning about Pablo Picasso we imitated his style and made natural faces using materials we had collected from forest school! 

Learning about autumn and making autumn frames!

In science we have been exploring our senses. We have been using our sense of taste, touch, smell and hearing to investigate different items and guess what they were. 

Walk, Jog, Run Event! 

Today our children took part in the walk, jog, run sporting event and ran laps of the playground for half an hour. In total we managed over 20 laps and put in SO much effort!! All our teachers were SO proud and we raised over £2000! 

Thank you to everyone for a superb effort and any money donated! This will go towards buying new playtime equipment for your children to play with at break and lunch times, including new scooters! Very exciting!!  

Run, walk, jog event!

In forest school we have been making buildings out of natural materials linking with our geography learning all about key buildings in the local area. 

In Science we have been learning all about the human body and its functions! We have been labelling different body parts and exploring what we might use them for. 

In Art we are studying the artist Picasso. Picasso was an artist from Spain who loved to draw and paint portraits. We are using the skills of line, shape and colour to create our own self-portraits in the style of Picasso. 

We have learnt and remembered three new words in art so far this half term. Practise sharing your new vocabulary with your grown-ups at home. 

Pablo Picasso       self-portrait         abstract

Exploring line and shape in Picasso's artwork

In Forest School we created faces using natural materials

Mrs Brunton is teaching our music lessons this half term. We are learning about rhythm and beginning to use instruments to keep to the beat and rhythm. We are also learning a song that has a singing part and a rap!

Fun in Music with Mrs Brunton

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