This half term in Class 2 we are learning all about different celebrations, our topic is called ‘Sparkle and Shine.’ We will be learning about Diwali, Bonfire Night, Eid, Birthdays, Weddings and Christmas!
Our Key Texts are: The Best Diwali Ever, The Best Birthday Present Ever, The Best Christmas Present Ever and Penguin's Christmas Wish:
The graphemes that we will be learning in this half term are:
e u r h b f ff l ll ss
Please help your child consolidate these at home.
Thank you :)
In our first week back we have done lots of learning all about Bonfire Night and how we might celebrate this. We talked about fireworks and how we will see lots of them on Bonfire Night!
In our Literacy learning we have been practicing a bonfire poem and having a go at making our own, and in topic we have learnt about how to be safe around the fireworks, created beautiful firework pictures and done some amazing firework dances!
We have also been doing lots of learning all about Diwali! We have made our own Diva lamps with clay, created rangoli patterns and made firework patterns!
In our maths learning this half term we are continuing to consolidate our number understanding. So far we have looked into numbers 6, 7 and 8.
We have been making number 7 rainbows and spiders with 8 legs! The children have also been practically representing the numbers and recording their findings in ten frames and part, part, whole models!
We have also been exploring the outdoor provision with our friends!
More ten frame and part, part whole learning to help us grow our understanding of numbers!
In Literacy and Topic, we have done lots of learning all about birthdays. We looked at our birthday pictures and what a birthday actually is!
In Literacy, the children made their own party dinner and then wrote amazing captions about this!
And in Topic, we had a go at making our own party hats!
In Class 2, we have been exploring Christmas!
The children have helped to decorate our class tree, made Christmas tree pictures, explored the Christmas story and started to make Christmas cards!
The children have also been exploring the outdoor provision- making festive drinks and melting the snowman! We have been super busy doing lots of fun Christmas learning!!
We are also consolidating our understanding of numbers to 10!
We had so much fun at our Christmas Craft afternoon!
Christmas Party Fun!!!